Friday, April 8, 2022

Which Areas of the Office Are the Dirtiest?

Right now, you may be sitting in the filthiest spot of your office. You've probably had a slice of birthday cake or a handful of chips in this place before. Your workstation is the dirtiest place in the office. It may seem crazy, but your desk has 400 times the number of germs as a toilet seat. While most of these microbes are centred around your phone, the desk's surface is a breeding ground for harmful germs that can make you and your team sick. That's why it's important to hire the best office cleaners in Brisbane to clean your office desk, toilet, and any other surface you come into contact with on a routine basis.

When we move around our offices, we're also helping the bacteria in their activities. In a post-Covid world, hygiene will play a big role in how offices are managed, and understanding where germs are passed from person to person is more important than ever. Following desks, these are the top germ-infested spaces in an office:

Door Handles and Lift Buttons

In a large office, people come and leave. Some are only coming over for a meeting or to drop off a delivery, while others are getting ready to start the day's business. Some people may not have washed their hands. Some people may have a cold or worse and be completely unaware of it.
When someone touches the elevator buttons or opens a door, they spread their germs to that surface. Assume those areas were never cleaned – and in many large buildings, they have never been properly cleaned.

The office cleaners in Brisbane should not stop after cleaning the common spaces. If anything, they are the most important places to pay attention to because they serve as places where germs transfer from one person to another.

The Cooking Area

The room where all the food and beverages are kept is one of the dirtiest areas in any office. The worst offender is the place you'd expect would be the cleanest - the office kitchen sink.
Taps in offices are often used before hands are cleaned. That means they're exposed to anything on your fingertips that you'd like to get rid of. Smelly sinks are a sign of a larger health hazard, but they may be addressed with the best office cleaning services in Brisbane.

The Toilet

It goes without saying that when we have to do our thing, we rush to the toilet. Toilets are a high-traffic place in any office, making germs readily spread. That's why office toilet cleaning is such a must, with most offices adhering to a strict, rigorous cleaning schedule.

These are the dirtiest office areas that require professional office cleaning services at regular intervals. If you find this blog useful, don’t forget to share it with your friends, and get back to us!



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